antenatal postnatal care

To care for the baby, care for the mother

We love seeing beautiful babies come into our clinic and we love even more to help their fantastic mammas to be healthy, strong and fit enough to do everything they need and want to do with their babies and children.

Antenatally, you’re planning to book in for your birth preparation classes. Is it time to book in to build your strength to carry a baby for 9 months and then be strong and fit for labour?

Postnatally, is your pelvic floor as good as it used to be?

Do you know if you have an abdominal separation known as DRAM (Diastasis Rectus Abdominus Muscle)? If you have one, have you done anything about it?

Babies have regular check-ups as they grow. The postnatal period is not over after 6 weeks, but that’s when the check-ups on mums stop. Most postnatal women have a 6 week check-up with their doctor, but many never have a check-up with their physio. We (like many European countries) believe every postnatal woman should. 6 weeks is a great time, but any time that you are coping well enough to think about your health is the right time! There is a misconception that its normal to have some physical issues after having a baby. Yes, issues with pelvic floor, abdominal muscles pelvic girdle pain and posture are super common, but our physios are here to help you resolve those issues.


Pelvic girdle or back pain

Pelvic girdle pain is common during pregnancy and postnatally. We have tried and true hands-on techniques that help your pelvis to recover standard movement. Sometimes this is enough but exercises to build your gluteal muscle strength will support your pelvis to get back to full function.

Back pain is also common during pregnancy and postnatally. Breast feeding can result in upper back pain. Low back pain can start in pregnancy because of postural and load changes. Life with a baby is results in a lot more lifting, carrying and bending so it’s understandable our back might need a bit of help! We can help you out with working on your position, providing hands on treatment and giving exercises.



Pilates is a game changer

The postnatal period doesn’t stop at 6 weeks. Babies start off small and give us an opportunity to get stronger as they grow. The trouble is they grow first, then we get stronger. We like to help you get ahead of the game!

Mum’s who start Pilates antenatally swear by it. They love feeling strong against gravity, finding it much easier to keep great posture, stay active and feel great. Postnatally there is no better way to recover your pre-baby body. Pilates is so gentle that it can be started before your 6-week check-up. We put together an individualised program that gently strengthens your muscles, working on your pelvic floor, abdominal muscles and posture as well as your legs and arms that need to be strong to look after your little one. Over time we progress your program to stay ahead of your growing baby and build you back to your pre-baby strength or better!

 If your baby is getting bigger, and maybe even isn’t a baby any more, it’s never too late! Your postnatal period is over whenever you feel like your body is back to how you want it to be. Until then, we are here to help. Some mothers love Pilates so much that they continue with us for years. We have been lucky enough to see babies grow into children and go off to school. We love welcoming babies into the clinic. Once they are on the move, we set up a play area to keep them safe during Pilates classes.

So book an appointment now for your antenatal or postnatal Pilates assessment

are you ready to improve your health?

Choose your physiotherapist

Emilija Olsen (she/her)

BAppSc, MPhysioPrac

Ante/Post natal, Hypermobility/EDS, Dance and Performing Arts, Dry Needling, General Physio.

See full profile

Antenatal Postnatal Blog

frequently asked questions

do I need a referral for physiotherapy?

No referral is needed for Physiotherapy. GPs frequently recommend physiotherapy, but a referral is not needed unless you are receiving funding under a GP management plan, GPMP (or Team Care Arrangement, previously known as an EPC). See the next answer for more details about the GPMP.  

what should I expect in a physiotherapy assessment?

The first question we ask is “What are your aims for physiotherapy?”

We want to work with you in a way that is most helpful for you. Your physiotherapist will take a detailed history, asking you a number of questions about what has been happening for you. They will conduct a thorough assessment of your joints, posture, strength and any specific activities and movements that are relevant to your issue. 

Common management approaches we use:

  • Problem solving around how to best manage your symptoms / issues
  • Sharing exercises that you can do at home so that you can help yourself
  • Hands on treatment to improve your symptoms and mobility
  • Supervised specially tailored exercise with our Pilates equipment to help you build specific strength in a supported environment if you and your physio think this would be helpful for you.

is physiotherapy covered under medicare?

Physiotherapy is only covered under Medicare under a GP management plan, GPMP (or Team Care Arrangement, previously known as an EPC). This is a specific program for people who have a chronic and complex medical condition. It provides a rebate of $57 for up to 5 sessions total per calendar year for allied health services such as Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Podiatry and more. Your GP can tell you if you are eligible for the plan. We have limited bulk billing appointments available for concession card holders.

      can I use my private health insurance?

      The majority of our clients are privately funded. Many have private health insurance which can be claimed on the spot with our HICAPS terminal.

          can I access physio under NDIS, workcover, TAC, DVA

          Yes we are able to bill directly for NDIS,  Workcover, TAC, DVA.

              what should I bring with me / wear

              It is helpful for you to bring any relevant letters or reports regarding your issue or investigations you have had done.  

              Ideally wear clothes that allow you to move and allow the body part you would like addressed to be seen. We have shorts available in case you forget. Avoid dresses for low back pain, collars for neck pain and jeans for knee pain.  

              If you have a foot or running issue, please bring your usual shoes.