Stronger bones for osteoporosis

Progressive resistance strength training is the most promising intervention to maintain or increase bone mass and density. Strength training class...

Osgood-Schlatter (knee pain)

Children who are active during growth spurts may experience knee pain that seems to be worse when they’re exercising and having fun....

What does good posture look like?

Your spine is not straight but rather has 3 curves when viewed from the side. Telling yourself to “stand up straight” is not often helpful....

Physio Tips for Home Desk Set Up

Desk Set Up  If you’re working from home, it is important that you optimise your desk set up. Prolonged posture with a poor desk workspace can cause...

Exercises for Working at Home As many of you will be setting up your desk at home for the next few weeks, we have put together a short video that...

Sitting Posture

Slumping is wrong, so I should sit up straight, right? Well – no… At Bodyfit Physio we believe ‘good posture’ is an efficient posture. An efficient...


  What is arthritis? Arthritis is an umbrella term used to group over 100 conditions. “Arthritis” means inflammation of the joint. It can...

Is our world too flat?

There is a lot of talk about why we have so many more issues with back and neck pain in the developed world compared to the developing world. Is it...