Physiotherapy for kids and teens

Kids just want to have fun! What to do when running around and having fun isn’t easy?

Does your child struggle with the fundamental movement skills needed for play and life? We believe that all children can enjoy exercise and sports, some just need a bit of extra help!

Kids learn best when they are excited about what they are doing. So, if your kid wants to run faster or be able to play soccer with their friends, that is what we work on together.

Your child can learn in our paediatric gym and/or at home with you. We will help your child to build confidence in their body and themselves. We connect with you and important people for your child, like teachers, other practitioners and sports coaches.

      What to expect from your first appointment

      We start with a comprehensive assessment to determine your child’s needs. Parents know their kids best and so we work with you to discover your child’s needs.

      For kids with movement issues we often use the Movement ABC-2 assessment which kids find fun! It tells us the level of your child’s gross motor and fine motor skills compared to others and gives us clear information on where to start. Sometimes kids are anxious, have sensory issues or just don’t enjoy sport or PE. We work with kids at all levels, making them feel safe and ensuring they have fun.

      For kids with injuries we look at how they use their body and what they are doing with their sports. Kids are not just little adults, there are specific conditions that only affect kids. We find out what is happening for them.

      Kids and Sport

      Are your kids or teens already enjoying their sport but have had an injury? Do you want to do the best by them and make sure their injury resolves fully? 50% of kids who participate in activities which require running and jumping will sustain a lower limb injury at some point.

      Osgood Schlatters and Severs are common conditions that affect sporty kids who haven’t had an injury. We help them to build appropriate strength and manage their sporting load to resolve or at least manage these issues.

      Our paediatric team love helping active kids to manage their injury and get them safely back to what they love, whether it’s on the court, ground, pitch, trail or into the water. We go a step further and assess and give strategies to reduce the risk of injury in the future.


      Hypermobility can be normal in small children, but if there is hypermobility in your family you know that it can present challenges for everyday life. Bendy fingers can find it difficult to control a pencil. Bendy knees can make it hard to know where you are in space (proprioception). Coordination challenges and difficulty with running, throwing, catching and balance are common. Of course, dislocations and subluxations produce significant challenges.

      We help your family to clarify your priorities. We can trial pencil grips which can make a huge difference –  handy if you are on an OT waitlist. We will help your children to safely explore their limits and build their confidence in their body while protecting their joints. We can provide strategies, bracing and advice to prevent dislocations. We will help them to safely develop the Fundamental Movement Skills needed for life.

      There is nothing we love more than seeing children lose their fear of movement and exercise and instead develop a joyful relationship with activity as their confidence in their body deepens.


      What conditions can physio help with?

      • Developmental Coordination Disorder
      • Hypermobility
      • Neurodiversity
      • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
      • ADHD
      • Osgood Schlatters
      • Severs
      • Sports Injuries
      • Posture
      • Muscle tightness

      We work together with you to assist your child to build their skills in a way that is meaningful to them


      are you ready to improve your health?

      Choose your physiotherapist

      Hilary McAdam (she/her)

      BSc, MPhysioPrac

      Paediatrics, Pilates, Running or Sports injuires, General physio.

      See full profile

      Olivia Ganci (she/her)

      BBMed MPhysioPrac

      Paediatrics, Lower Limb injuries, Falls and Balance, General physio

      See full profile

      Paediatric Blog

      Easter Running Club

      Easter Running Club

      Kids can get active these school holidays by joining our one-hour running camp, led by one of our physiotherapists. All skill levels are catered for and we provide the practice and guidance to make running more fun.Running skills session in Clifton HillMonday 14,...

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      Developmental delay

      Developmental delay

      Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in managing your child's developmental delay.  Identifying and addressing the areas of challenge helps children to develop the confidence and skills they need to thrive.  What to do if you have concerns about your baby’s...

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      Why does my baby’s head look flat? 

      Why does my baby’s head look flat? 

      It is not uncommon for newborns to have “unusually” shaped heads – most of the time this resolves by 6 weeks after birth. What is plagiocephaly? Plagiocephaly refers to a misshapen, flat or asymmetrical head shape. When babies are born, the joints of their head are...

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      frequently asked questions

      do I need a referral for physiotherapy?

      No referral is needed for Physiotherapy. GPs frequently recommend physiotherapy, but a referral is not needed unless you are receiving funding under a GP management plan, GPMP (or Team Care Arrangement, previously known as an EPC). See the next answer for more details about the GPMP.  

      what should I expect in a physiotherapy assessment?

      The first question we ask is “What are your aims for physiotherapy?”

      We want to work with you in a way that is most helpful for you. Your physiotherapist will take a detailed history, asking you a number of questions about what has been happening for you. They will conduct a thorough assessment of your joints, posture, strength and any specific activities and movements that are relevant to your issue. 

      Common management approaches we use:

      • Problem solving around how to best manage your symptoms / issues
      • Sharing exercises that you can do at home so that you can help yourself
      • Hands on treatment to improve your symptoms and mobility
      • Supervised specially tailored exercise with our Pilates equipment to help you build specific strength in a supported environment if you and your physio think this would be helpful for you.

      is physiotherapy covered under medicare?

      Physiotherapy is only covered under Medicare under a GP management plan, GPMP (or Team Care Arrangement, previously known as an EPC). This is a specific program for people who have a chronic and complex medical condition. It provides a rebate of $57 for up to 5 sessions total per calendar year for allied health services such as Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Podiatry and more. Your GP can tell you if you are eligible for the plan. We have limited bulk billing appointments available for concession card holders.

          can I use my private health insurance?

          The majority of our clients are privately funded. Many have private health insurance which can be claimed on the spot with our HICAPS terminal.

              can I access physio under NDIS, workcover, TAC, DVA

              Yes we are able to bill directly for NDIS,  Workcover, TAC, DVA.

                  what should I bring with me / wear

                  It is helpful for you to bring any relevant letters or reports regarding your issue or investigations you have had done.  

                  Ideally wear clothes that allow you to move and allow the body part you would like addressed to be seen. We have shorts available in case you forget. Avoid dresses for low back pain, collars for neck pain and jeans for knee pain.  

                  If you have a foot or running issue, please bring your usual shoes.